Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of the Semester Reflection

I have learned that technology plays an integral part in education. It keeps students interested, curious, and engaged, and can make presenting and explaining easier for the teacher. It is remarkable the amount of resources already created for teachers to use supporting technological advances (smartexchange comes to mind). The way students can interact with their learning is, to me, the most important reason for technology in the classroom. It is so much easier (and more fun) to learn when you can manipulate the ideas yourself. I have appreciated this class so much and see it not only as an information session where we learn about different kinds of technology devices to integrate in a classroom, we learn that technology is always changing and it is up to us teachers to figure out what kinds of things makes learning easier for our students from the world they are coming from. I am excited to implement the things I have learned in this class in a real classroom someday!
As far as the NETS I wanted to focus on this semester, I think I have started making progress. I wanted to focus on modeling digital-age work and learning (NETS for teachers #3). By beginning to learn the types of things that could be integrated into a classroom and being able to weigh the positives and negatives of each tool, I believe I have begun the journey to modeling technology in educational ways. Just by completing this blog is a way the tools I have learned have been put into progress and tested out! My understanding and experimentation, I'm sure, will pay off!
Thank you Professor Adair for a meaningful and insightful class experience.

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