Monday, November 8, 2010

Week #11: Lessons Integrating Microsoft Office

Three different lessons integrating Microsoft Office:

1) Students doing a math lesson on statistics and graphing could work in groups to collect data about a topic and enter the information into Excel. Then they could make a relevant chart from their findings and show the class.
2) Students practicing writing could type a letter on Word addressed to the teacher about one thing they want to do when they grow up. They can go through the writing process, print it out, and put it in an envelope addressed to the teacher.
3) In social studies when talking about different cultures students could make a Powerpoint presentation on the place they are from or a place that interests them.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of writing letters. I think that we've forgotten the fun and education (in the postal system, in patience, in handwriting, in voice) that writing letters can be. I have a friend who's teaching in Japan right now and one of her projects was for students to write a post card to someone in the US. I thought this was such a cool idea! I got to aid ELLs and to learn a little bit about Japan. Simple things, like how to set up an address for another country, were different and fun to learn about. You can find pen-pals (there are several websites created for this purpose). You could use the letter writing idea for so many different things. I love it!
